How To Read Telugu Calendar

How To Read Telugu Calendar 

How to know good and bad times and days using the Telugu calendar, Normally "Tidhi" and Stars play a crucial role in finding them. It is easy to find good and bad times through them. Usually, when we look at any  Telugu calendar, Tidhi names are common for all calendars.

Maasa calendar (30-day calendar)  divided into two fortnights.
  1. Fullmoon (15days)
  2. Amavasya (15days)
Names of Tidhulu in Telugu Calendar

     After Full Moon After Amavasya

    1. Paadyami (Not good) 1. Paadyami (Not Good)
    2. Vidiya (Good) 2. Vidiya (Good)
    3. Tadiya (Good)         3. Tadiya (Good)
    4. Chaviti (Not Good 4. Chaviti (Not Good)
    5. Panchami (Very Good) 5. Panchami (Good)
    6. Shasti (Not Good)         6. Shasti (Not Good)
    7. Saptami (Very Good ) 7. Saptami (Good)
    8. Ashtami (Not Good) 8. Ashtami (Not Good)
    9. Navami (Not Good) 9. Navami (Not Good)
    10.Dasami (Good )        10. Dasami (Best Period)
    11.Ekadasi (Good )        11.Ekadasi (Good )
    12.Dwadasi ( Good) 12. Dwadasi (Good)
    13.Trayodasi (Not Good)        13.Trayodasi (Good)
    14.Chaturdasi (Not Good)        14.Chaturdasi (Good)
    15.Amavasya (Not Good) 15.Pournami(BestPeriod)

Usually, whenever we try to find a particular Tidhi of the day, we see a timestamp like 1:37 or 5:35, which means Tidhi is available for the specific timestamp. Information provided in this article is only for everyday purposes. Please note that when we calculate for marriage or significant event or business purposes, Janma Nakshatra plays a key role. 

Telugu Calendar - Key Points

  1. Padyami is no different from Amavasya, not suitable to start any work.
  2. Dwadasi, Trayodasi, Chaturdasi calculated bad periods before Amavasya.    
  3. Dwadasi, Trayodasi, Chaturdasi calculated good periods before Full Moon. 
